Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Makeup Inequality

"I'm a Black Woman and I just want a damn BB Cream"

I read this article today, and in a funny bit of serendipity, I got a sample card of the Garnier BB cream. My initial thought when reading this was that girls on the opposite end of the spectrum (me) have the same issue. BB Creams and tinted moisturizers labeled as light take a freakishly orange cast on my skin, so I'm kind of SOL too, you know. I'm too white for mainstream makeup. But then on a whim, tried a swatch of the darkest of the BB creams on the card on my forearm. Labeled "Deep", the Garnier swatch looked nothing like a black woman's skin. Instead, it transformed my forearm into Snooki's.

Tanorexic does not look right on me.

Now I feel guilty for bitching about the light not being light enough, because there's a large section of the population that can't get anything approximating their skin color in a BB Cream. Apparently Garnier BB Cream is only for kind of pale white girls, regular white girls, and tanorexic white girls. Sad. With so much diversity in this country, you would think that this wouldn't be an issue.

On a less saddening subject, I did yoga for the first time today. I picked up a beginners yoga DVD forever ago, but never used it. I put the kids down for a nap (ha, like that really works) and popped in the DVD. I actually feel like it was a decent workout, you know once you take away the parts where I lost my balance, was unsteady in a pose, forgot to follow the breathing instructions, or had to pause the DVD to yell at my kids to stop playing closet peekaboo and actually take a nap. The relaxation segment was especially good, because you lay down flat on your back with your eyes closed, and it's still considered exercize.

I made a fresh pico de gallo for dinner tonight. I picked up some burger patties from Kroger, which I'm going to grill, slap some pepper jack on those suckers, toast the buns, then load with the thawed Wholly Guacamole left over from fajitas the other week and pico. Did you know today is the beginning of National Burger Month? Neither did I until a few hours ago.

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