Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I have a house to clean. Sure, it may be 9:26 at night and, yeah, I didn't even take a nap today. It could wait for tomorrow. But I won't let it. The problem with all this is that since I won't let it, I'll be up entirely too late. I definitely want to clean up the living room and kitchen, including vacuuming, and I really should put some laundry away that's been sitting on my dresser for a few days. While I'm thinking about laundry, I should probably do a load or two. That's okay though. I'm willing to accept less sleep for a nice, clean house.

Procrastination has been a fixture in my life. Today, instead of doing the above mentioned cleaning, I took something off of my to do list that has been there for about a year, which was catching up on the second to last Sookie Stackhouse novel, and for shits and giggles, I finished the last one too, about 10 minutes ago. I read pretty fast. But my glut of reading has definitely put me at a disadvantage when it comes to oh, doing laundry and the dishes in my sink and getting to bed at a reasonable hour.

And yet, here I am finding yet another way to procrastinate by writing a blog post. This madness has to end. I'm off to clean my house before I find something else to keep me from doing so.

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