Monday, April 29, 2013


I have a confession to make. I'm a little obsessed with nail polish. Like, I buy nail polish at least every other week, and do my nails at least three times a week. It stems from my 20+ year habit of biting my nails (thanks, Dad, for that little habit). The only thing I've ever found to keep me from biting them has been keeping them polished, and changing the polish frequently. Unless I'm under significant stress, I don't bite them anymore, and when the old anxiety that caused me to bite them starts rising, I pick at the polish instead. Not ideal, but a lot better than bleeding nubs on the end of my fingers, which was pretty much the first 21 years of my life.

I've joined the Julep subscription service, and May's Boho Glam (naturally I ended up with Boho Glam) box is inspired by The Great Gatsby. There are two polishes, Alice, a shimmery lilac, and Millie, an indigo cream, plus a trio of lipsticks. Boho Glammers get the New York Jazz trio, which includes Tea for Two, a nude shimmer sheer, Satin Doll, a poppy sheer, and Lady in Red, a crimson. I've gotten interested in wearing red lipstick in the last few years, because it definitely pulls together a look, and makes you feel instantly fancy. I am so pale that I'm blue in places, so blue-based reds are the way to go. Even though a crimson lipstick sounds fun, I think I'm most excited for Tea for Two, and Satin Doll.

I'm scheduled to recieve the box today per USPS tracking, and I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve.

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