Monday, April 22, 2013

New Beginnings

My life has been totally upended, shaken up, and set back down in disarray. Rationally, I know this is a good thing. My heart just needs some time to adjust to my brain. Here's the Reader's Digest version:

I lived in suburban Baltimore for all of my 31 years. Found a best friend who ended up a husband, married super young, enjoyed being young, married, and childless for a few years. Had a kid, and husband found a great job to give the kid and me a comfortable life. I kept working. Had another kid, 16 months after the first. We had a happy life in a cute townhome. Then life started cracking. He kept getting laid off. His company failed spectacularly destroying the lives of countless Baltimoreans and adding thousands of new job-seekers into an already oversaturated job market. The only future we saw was getting the hell out of Baltimore. After a trying 2012, the oppurtnity of a lifetime opened up in Texas. We couldn't say no. So, here I am, in Texas. I don't have to work now because the cost of living is damn near half of what we're used to, and he's making double what he used to at the great job.

I've always wanted to write, but I ended up working in the healthcare sector, and didn't have much time to get in the writing mindset. Without a full time job on top of taking care of my family, I've found something I never really had before. Time to write. Weird. So here I am, writing.


I read a lot. There's a lot of different things that I'm interested in writing about, so I can't necessarily put this blog in a category. It isn't a "Mommy" blog. It isn't a "food" blog. It isn't a "media" blog, nor is it a "beauty" blog. It will probably be a bit of them all. Twee and Terrible is a great way to describe me. I love baking cupcakes, nailpolish, vintage clothes, Zooey Deschanel and all the cutesy things that cause derision from the non-girly girl types. I also love politics, horror movies, the paranormal, being macabre, and the dark side of things. I'm a lot like the human manifestation of Ruby Gloom, I suppose. Less chipper, though.

I am twee, and I am terrible. I hope I'm interesting enough to garner an active readership. I guess we'll see...

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